
Our Journey to Adopt a Child

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Snakes in Yogurt

When we go to the store, I often let Ethan get engaged in selecting the items. Sometimes this leads to some strange choices, since the selection process seems to be based largely on color. For example, he really wanted a yellow pepper. That is until mama let him smell it, at which point he wrinkled up his nose and shook his head vigorously. But sometimes these random selections have more positive outcomes. Ethan picked out a lime the other day, so we took it home and cut it up. He likes eating lemons, so I figured maybe he'd like eating raw lime as well. No, he took a bite and scrunched up his face. But then he took the lime and dropped it into his water. Smart boy! So we crushed the rest of the limes, and he had a delicious lime drink.

The other day we were passing by the canned spaghetti section, and he started waving his arms frantically and pointing to the cans. I picked up a Spaghetti-O's can, but he gave me a disgusted look and said no. Instead, he pointed to a can of spaghetti and meatballs and autoritatively announced that he wanted the 'snakes in yogurt'. Mama bought it for him, and we'll maybe try the 'snakes in yogurt' out tonight. Should be interesting!


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