
Our Journey to Adopt a Child

Thursday, December 28, 2006


'Tadoosh' is the sound that Ethan makes when he's pretending to have a sword in his hand. So I obligingly play along, saying 'tadoosh' every time I slay my small dragon son. Right now he's putting on his dragon costume, complete with two sets of red-clawed hands.

Earlier today we visited papa at work along with his grandma and grandpa who are in town visiting. Ehtan brought his small sunglasses, his Red Socks baseball cap, and his Spiderman backpack filled with cars -- quite the American he's turning out to be. That, and people are getting him used to American fast food, like Cheese-Its (papa is responsible for that one), and potato chips (grandma) and high fructose corn syrup (hidden in the yogurt mama thought she was doing a good thing in buying).

Grandma and Grandpa brought Ethan 57 small cars yesterday. (I believe that this is what heaven is for a 4 year old boy, by the way.) He lined them all up in a row by color, then put them carefully into the truck car-carrier that grandma and grandpa gave him as well.

'Tadoosh' -- woops, just got killed by the dragon.....


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