
Our Journey to Adopt a Child

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Pickup-up truck

After a busy long weekend, Ethan went to his first day of preschool today. The teachers said he did great, and he seemed to really enjoy it. Only small hitch was that mama brought lunch in a big plastic bag, not a lunch box like all the other kids. Ethan didn't seem to mind, but mama felt like she should go out in search of aforementioned container after school. It turned out to be a futile quest since one can only buy lunch boxes at the beginning of the school year (silly me!). We settled on a small Superman backpack that will suffice for now. Oh, except that he's filled it up with books. Oh well!

For some reason Ethan came home from preschool today insisting that pickup trucks were really pickup-up trucks. We had quite a few (friendly) arguments about whether it was pickup, or pickup-up trucks. Sometimes Ethan is quite insistant about things, and this was one of them. The other was that there was not, repeat not, pineapple in his fruit juice today -- because the pineapple is yellow, and everyone knows that yellow means banana, and an apple has to be red or green. Silly us!

By the way, the internet can serve as a fun kid's game. We look up pictures of familiar objects using google's image search. It has turned out to be useful for explaining the difference between tractors and fire engines, showing him what a harp is (try explaining that to someone who's never seen one and doesn't know the word 'string' or 'musical instrument'), or contrasting pigs and wart hogs (the latter of Lion King fame), and of course showing him pineapples. We also pulled up an entire page of pickup trucks -- woops, I mean pickup-up trucks.


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