
Our Journey to Adopt a Child

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ethan has been wonderful. He seems to make friends wherever he goes. He walks up to random people and says (in Kazakh), "my mama and papa gave me these clothes", or "we came here on the airplane", or "what's your name". People either seem to like him and start a conversation with him, or else he gives them a big smile until they melt.

We finally talked to papa today. Ethan asked if papa had his bicycle ready, and told him that mama had bought him a "yellow truck" (which he named in english). Right now he's talking a mixture of Kazakh and English with the man who works here (one of his many friends), which I'm hope will last a few more minutes. It's actually great because Farucke is helping him learn a few more words in English.

It's quite an experience going to the restaurant with him. He's pretty flexible about food. If it's something he doesn't recognize, he sniffs it and either takes a bite or shakes his head no. He likes to peel his own boiled eggs, and tried to cut his apple with a knife (managing to get his clean boston redsocks sweatshirt completely dirty in the process, well also with the help of trying to drink his tea with a fork.

We're having a great time. He's quite an amazing kid. Very brave. Can't wait for everyone to meet this special little guy. Ok, got to go.


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