
Our Journey to Adopt a Child

Friday, October 03, 2008

Magic Momma

Ethan and I were playing a game the other day where I successfully hid some stuffed animals underneath me and then claimed that I magically made them disappear. It frustrated him no end that he couldn't figure out where I had put them. Teasing him, I said that I was a magic momma. Ethan protested shaking his head. "You're not magic!" He put his hands out wide with his palms up and put on his 'duh' face. "You're not Santa Claus. You're not the tooth fairy. You're not the Easter bunny." I had to keep from bursting out laughing, so I just mumbled something about of course I didn't have long ears so couldn't be the Easter bunny.

Speaking of the tooth fairy, Ethan lost tooth #3 yesterday and she gave him some money last night. The tooth's departure from his mouth came a bit earlier than it might have had he not had a close encounter with a hockey stick held by a classmate on the slides earlier this week.

This morning I went into Ethan's classroom for family reading day. It was fun to see him and all the other kids in his class. He proudly 'read' several books which consisted of using his fine memory to recite them, and nothing at all to do with connecting letters with sounds. He can do that, it just takes more work for him than memorizing things. Some of my favorite books to read him at the moment, by the way, are the "Fly Guy" easy reader series about a kid named Buzz who has a pet fly who can say his name and likes to eat smelly food.


Blogger Tom said...

Time for him to see Le Grand David in Beverly, maybe?

Much of the magic of the show is the lights and music and costumes and singing (but not participatory) which he'd probably get into.

It's worth getting there an hour before the show starts. The lobby is fabulous. And there has always been a man in a sultan-like suit doing some closeup magic for early arrivals before doors of the main theater open.

Just be ready to buy some popcorn or ice cream.

8:22 PM  

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