
Our Journey to Adopt a Child

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

School Play

Tonight Ethan was in his preschool play, which consisted mostly of the kids putting on adorable animal costumes (Ethan was a dragonfly complete with purple wings), parading into the room, and then standing up and saying something about the animal. Ethan, in a rare moment of shyness, didn't want to stand up when it was his time to say something, but he was a real cutie anyway. Afterwards all the families had a picnic (which would have been outside if it wasn't raining and in the 50's).

I also saw this drawing that Ethan had made on the wall of his classroom. He tells me that it is a person inside a tent, the stripy thing on the right being the door (the frilly things around the outside are completely mysterious to me). What I was amazed by was that it's the first drawing of a person I've seen Ethan make where the body has form rather than just sticks, plus it seems to have not only a nose (a recent feature of his drawings), but also square ears. (?) You can also see he has written his name on the right side. The letters are actually in order, which is unusual, although the concept of orientation is still not there. I asked him what "Lizard DVD" meant and he said: "I don't know."


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