
Our Journey to Adopt a Child

Monday, May 21, 2007

5 months

It's now been five months and five days since we arrived in the U.S. Ethan is continuing to do really well. Some statistics:
--Ethan hasn't missed a day of preschool since he started at the beginning of this year. He's had a few snuffles, and a case of conjunctivitis, but not really sick.
--Ethan doesn't sleep very much. He goes to be around 9pm, and wakes up around 6:30am, and doesn't take a nap. The good news is that it gives us a lot of time to spend with him after preschool.
--There are now four children (two boys and two girls) on our street who will be attending kindergarten in September. They all live within two houses of us. (!)
--Ethan can now swim about 10 feet all by himself in the big pool (over his head). He does a modified breast stroke and can't breath, but seems to be fearless about the water. We call him the little fish.
--Ethan likes to get "20 big hugs" before he goes to sleep, sometimes with 20 kisses, sometimes without. This morning Mark offered to give him 20 hugs before he left for work, but Ethan specified he wanted only 3 big hugs.


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