
Our Journey to Adopt a Child

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Second Easter

Last week we had our second Easter with Ethan. Can’t believe time is flying by so quickly! The Easter bunny brought him candy and a stuffed Webkinz Platypus, which he has no idea has an alter ego in the digital domain. (Webkinz are very popular in the kindergarten set, even without their connection to the web site.) Later, his big sister Julie joined us for an Easter dinner of lamb, and we ended up eating most of the chocolate bunny after he had fallen asleep (woops!).

Somewhere along the line Ethan has learned about Oxygen. He knows that you don’t get enough of it in smoke, or under water. Last night he told us that “If you’re in outer space, and you forget your astronaut suit, then you won’t be able to get oxygen.” I just love the idea of being in outer space and ‘forgetting’ your space suit.

Ethan has learned about rhyming finally. It was a tough concept for him to grasp at first, for some reason (just like he was baffled by jigsaw puzzles when he first saw them). Now he’s quite the rhyming machine. We play a game at dinner (his insistence, believe me, not ours), which is a type of “I spy” with rhyming words. Like this: I’m thinking of a color that rhymes with mellow (answer yellow). Some of my favorites that he came up with: Kevin/eleven, shark/Mark, snake/rake.

As the days are getting longer, Ethan has a lot more energy. When it was dark, he was complaining that he wanted me to pick him up at 3pm from after-K. Now, he’s telling me that he wants me to pick him up after his scheduled 5pm time because he's running around with a bunch of kids outside when the weather is nice. It's a lot less stressful for me knowing that he’s happy there!

Last weekend a girl named L. had her dad call us for a playdate with Ethan. I asked Ethan if she liked him, and he turned his head with a sweet smile. Well, he explained, she always likes to sit next to him on the bus, she does whatever he does at 'choice time', she wants to play with him outside, and she sits next to him whenever she can. I think that counts as a crush, don't you? What's interesting is that he's never really talked about her, being much more focused on what the boys think. In fact, at a party last weekend with the other parents from his kindergarten class, I got a lot of "Oh, my son/daughter is always talking about Ethan", whereas we get very little from Ethan about anything that goes on at school. Recently I volunteered in his class to help plant seeds -- a good way for me to actually meet all the kids in his class. They are so adorable! The teacher is amazing, somehow getting them to behave perfectly without raising her voice once.

Ethan’s favorite things in the world: toys, candy, dress-up pretend clothes, and playing at friends’ houses. Ethan has also taken to going up to his friends’ parents and asking if he can come over for a playdate. Sometimes it even works. Today his friend Cameron’s mom is going to pick him up and he’ll play at Cameron’s house for a couple of hours after school. He left me with instructions this morning to call Nicholas’s mom about a playdate tomorrow. This kid is not shy!


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